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Friday 21 March 2014

Finding Me by Leanne Chetty

I often ponder on years gone by and wish that I could go back and relive my life.There are so many wrongs that I want to make right and so many battles that I am now ready to fight.Life is a journey that we all have to take, with no rewind or replay, just one chance to either make or break.Straight roads do not make skillful drivers and if your dreams don't scare you then they are certainly not big enough.Everyone is gifted but most of US never open our package and all that remains is bitterness and regret.I used to walk into a room and wonder if they liked me but now I look around and wonder if I like them.Running away from ones problems is a race that can never be won, a deed that remains undone.Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life.To be able to live, laugh and love is the hope of a better tomorrow.Words so true yet easier said than done but with confidence and determination, the sky is truly the limit.Love and accept yourself wholeheartedly before you expect the world to.You can never be good enough for everyone but you will always be the best for those who care, appreciate and deserve you.Give everyday the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life.Be there for others but never leave yourself behind.Happiness isn't about getting what you want all the time.Its about loving what you have and being grateful for it.I am not sure of what > my future holds but I am sure of who holds my future. > "Finding Me" ,I look around but all I see , Are empty spaces, staring back at me , Once a child , so young and free, The precious fruit of a great big tree , A tender bond full of love and care , Nothing on earth could ever compare , The truth of reality comes tumbling down , Leaving behind it's piercing crown , The gift of life , a priceless token , Though sometimes shaken yet never broken , Every heart has threaded this path , often giving into temptations wrath , The time has come to finally see , What lays hidden inside of me , The challenges I face will be a fight , But the courage I embrace shall lead me to the light , I set aside all my fears and pleas , Believing that I hold the secret key , Within me lies the ultimate dream , Taking me to the very extreme ," Come what may", today I say ," For I am ready and waiting to play" , I stand up proud and fairly strong , knowing that the show must go on , Unlocking the fear of finding me , Is the greatest treasure that lies in thee.

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