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Monday 14 April 2014

They Say by is Mohsina Latif

They say everyone comes into your life for a reason, some of the time not for forever. They say life will give you the people you need. They say some people are only meant to be a part of your life for a season. There's a lot of things they say about people who aren't in your life for a long time; but these sayings are just words that are meant to lessen the feelings of loss when people leave your life.

Growing up is hard because you don't always grow at the same pace as the people close to you in your life, and sometimes as hard as you might try they leave anyways because the things that held you together change and there's nothing holding you together anymore. When this happens there isn't much you can do; and when you try to forcefully keep things together, it's like trying to force together two puzzle pieces that don't go together. As much as you try to push them together eventually you have to accept they don't match and seperate them. Growing up is kind of like that. The friends you make sometimes suit one part of you, and as you grow you realise they don't suit who you're becoming. And whilst this doesn't mean the friendship has to end, it isn't exactly easy to sustain a relationship with someone who know longer understands your perspective or shares it. I'm not really certain what happens at this point; the point where you realise that you no longer have anything in common with people who once were like the other half of who you are. I'm not sure what happens at this point since the only other relationships I've had to let go off weren't as monumental as some others; and because there were relationships that I never imagined I'd have to let go of.

The thing is, it's fairly obvious when something isn't fitting anymore, but unlike merely peeling apart two ill-fitted puzzle pieces, letting go of a valued relationship is a lot harder. Accepting that there is no longer anything that sustains it is hard. Accepting that you have to go and find new people that fit who you are is hard. Accepting that you've grown up and grown apart is hard. And most of all, accepting that forcing things to stay as they were is the hardest part.

They say everyone comes into your life for a reason, some of the time not for forever. They say life will give you the people you need. They say some people are only meant to be a part of your life for a season. But these are just the words I turn to, to try and make sense of the new normal I'm faced with. These are just the words I use to console myself about growing apart from something I put years of effort into. These are just the words I tell myself as I adjust to a new normal. These are just words. . .

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